Partnership and Networking

“We transform the lives of the Tanzania’s most vulnerable children”

Good Neighbors Tanzania works in close partnership with international organizations, government, international NGOs and local actors to act more efficiently as ‘good neighbors’ to most vulnerable people around the project catchment area.

In 2021, Good Neighbors Tanzania conducted a project to strengthen the capacity of the Zanzibar Kwarara Media Education Centre with the Korea International Corporation Agency (KOICA), Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) and Daekyo Corporation to create sustainable education environment through media educaton contents. The media Education Centre produced its own TV educational program ‘happy talk’ and broadcast it through ZBC and ZCTV in which more than 50 subjects broadcasted for pre-primary, primary and secondary school. It also builds capacity of teachers on TV program for Kwarara

Good Neighbors Tanzania is corporation with Community Chest of Korea has trained 30 students as whereby five contents were produced (3 for radio and 2 for TV) and were broadcasted in local media channels such as Hits FM and Zanzibar Cable TV. The produced contents are to teach community on different issues within the communky such drug abuse, hygiene, alternative education, disability inclusion, etc.

In collaboration with Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA), Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS), Community Chest of Korea (CCK), Good Neighbors Tanzania (GNTZ), Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation have constructed one Studio (TBC2) and equipping the studio to be able to broadcast advocacy messages and child rights to enable safe environment for children in Tanzania. The studio was completely constructed and equipped not it is functioning.

Good Neighbors Tanzania expanded partnership and Networking through working closely with 121 Community Development Committee member (CDCs) in 10 CDPs, and project teachers in carrying out our projects’ activities in various areas such as education, health, water, sanitation, and hygiene, sponsorship, income generation, and advocacy.

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